6 Best AI Tools for Programmers to Use in 2024

By KatarzynaPosted on Mon, July 15, 2024

What Are AI Coding Assistants and Why You Should Use Them?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many industries, and programming is no exception. The rapid advancements in AI have led to the development of numerous AI coding assistants that enhance the productivity, efficiency, and creativity of programmers. In 2024, several AI tools stand out as essential for developers looking to streamline their workflows and build innovative solutions. Here’s a look at some of the best AI tools for programmers this year.

AI coding assistants are intelligent software tools designed to aid developers in writing, debugging, and optimizing code. These assistants leverage advanced machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and vast repositories of programming knowledge to provide real-time support and suggestions. They can be integrated into various integrated development environments (IDEs) and text editors, offering a seamless coding experience.

Features of AI Coding Assistant

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  1. Code Completion: AI coding assistants can predict and suggest the next segment of code as you type, significantly speeding up the coding process. They can complete entire lines or blocks of code based on the context, reducing the need for repetitive typing and minimizing errors.
  2. Error Detection and Debugging: These assistants can identify syntax and logical errors in real-time. They provide immediate feedback and suggestions to correct mistakes, helping developers avoid potential bugs and improve code quality.
  3. Code Optimization: AI coding assistants can analyze your code and recommend optimizations to enhance performance and efficiency. This feature ensures that your code runs faster and uses resources more effectively.
  4. Code Documentation and Comments: They can automatically generate documentation and comments for your code, making it easier to understand and maintain. This is particularly useful for large projects where clear documentation is essential.
  5. Learning and Adaptation: Many AI coding assistants can learn from your coding style and preferences, becoming more tailored to your specific needs over time. This personalized experience can significantly enhance productivity and satisfaction.
  6. Code Explanation: It is a fundamental feature of an AI coding assistant, designed to provide users with clear and comprehensive descriptions of what specific code snippets do. This feature enhances understanding, helps debug, and aids in learning new programming languages or frameworks.

Why You Should Use AI Coding Assistants

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  1. Increased Productivity: By automating routine and repetitive tasks, AI coding assistants free up developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their projects. This leads to faster development cycles and shorter time-to-market for software products.
  2. Enhanced Code Quality: With real-time error detection and optimization suggestions, AI coding assistants help ensure that your code is robust, efficient, and free of common mistakes. This results in more reliable and maintainable software.
  3. Learning and Skill Development: AI coding assistants can serve as educational tools, providing insights and best practices that help developers improve their coding skills. By observing the suggestions and corrections made by the assistant, developers can learn new techniques and better coding habits.
  4. Collaboration and Consistency: In team environments, AI coding assistants help maintain consistency across the codebase by enforcing coding standards and conventions. This makes it easier for multiple developers to collaborate on a project without introducing inconsistencies.
  5. Support for Multiple Languages and Frameworks: AI coding assistants often support a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, making them versatile tools for developers working in diverse technology stacks. This broad support ensures that you can benefit from the assistant regardless of your specific development environment.

The Most Useful AI Coding Tools

1. GitHub Copilot

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GitHub Copilot, developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI, has transformed coding by providing intelligent code suggestions directly within the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It leverages the power of OpenAI's Codex model to understand natural language prompts and generate code snippets accordingly.

Key Features

  • Contextual Code Suggestions: Copilot offers real-time code suggestions based on the context of the current file.
  • Multi-language Support: It supports a wide range of programming languages, making it versatile for developers working across different tech stacks.
  • Learning from Repositories: It learns from billions of lines of code available on GitHub, ensuring up-to-date and relevant suggestions.

Use Cases

  • Writing boilerplate code quickly.
  • Exploring unfamiliar languages or frameworks.
  • Enhancing code quality with intelligent suggestions.

See more about GitHub Copilot

2. Tabnine -AI Code Assistant

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Tabnine is an AI code completion tool that uses deep learning models to provide code predictions. It integrates seamlessly with most popular IDEs, helping developers write code faster and with fewer errors.

Key Features

  • Deep Learning Models: Utilizes advanced deep learning algorithms to understand code context and predict the next lines of code.
  • Customization: Allows developers to train custom models on their codebase, improving prediction accuracy.
  • Team Collaboration: Offers team models that learn from a team’s codebase to provide consistent and relevant suggestions.

Use Cases

  • Accelerating code writing with precise predictions.
  • Reducing syntax and logical errors.
  • Enhancing collaboration within development teams.

Read more about Tabnine

3. DeepCode



DeepCode, acquired by Snyk, is an AI-based code review tool that detects bugs, security vulnerabilities, and code smells in real-time. It leverages machine learning to understand code semantics and provide actionable insights.

Key Features

  • Real-time Analysis: Continuously analyzes code as you write, offering immediate feedback.
  • Comprehensive Bug Detection: Identifies a wide range of issues, from simple bugs to complex security vulnerabilities.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems and CI/CD pipelines.

Use Cases

  • Ensuring code quality and security during development.
  • Reducing technical debt by identifying and fixing code smells.
  • Enhancing code review processes with AI-driven insight.

See more about DeepCode

4. Codex by OpenAI

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Codex, the model behind GitHub Copilot, is available as a standalone API by OpenAI. It is capable of understanding natural language inputs and generating corresponding code snippets, making it a powerful tool for various programming tasks.

Key Features

  • Natural Language Processing: Converts natural language descriptions into code.
  • Wide Language Support: Supports multiple programming languages, providing flexibility for developers.
  • Customizable: Can be fine-tuned for specific use cases or projects.

Use Cases

  • Automating repetitive coding tasks.
  • Code generation documentation.
  • Building chatbots and virtual assistants for coding support.

5. Kite

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Kite is an AI-powered coding assistant that enhances code completion and navigation. It integrates with several popular IDEs and editors, providing intelligent code suggestions and documentation.

Key Features

  • Intelligent Code Completion: Offers line-of-code completions and entire function predictions.
  • Documentation Look-up: Provides instant documentation for functions and libraries.
  • Multi-language Support: Supports numerous programming languages, making it a versatile tool.

Use Cases

  • Speeding up code writing with intelligent code completions.
  • Quickly accessing documentation without leaving the IDE.
  • Learning new libraries and frameworks efficiently.

6. Intellicode by Microsoft


Intellicode is an AI-powered code assistant integrated into Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. It uses machine learning to provide contextual code recommendations based on best practices from open-source projects.

Key Features

  • Contextual Recommendations: Offers code suggestions tailored to the current project context.
  • Best Practices: Leverages patterns and practices from top open-source repositories.
  • Team Learning: Learns from your codebase to provide team-specific recommendations.

Use Cases

  • Enhancing code quality with best-practice recommendations.
  • Reducing development time with intelligent completions.
  • Facilitating learning and adoption of new coding patterns.


The integration of AI into programming tools has significantly improved the coding experience, making it more efficient and error-free. From intelligent code completion to advanced bug detection, these AI tools empower developers to focus more on creative problem-solving rather than repetitive tasks. As we move further into 2024, the adoption of these AI tools will continue to grow, shaping the future of software development.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting, incorporating these AI tools into your workflow can provide substantial benefits, enhancing both productivity and code quality. The future of programming is here, and it's powered by AI.

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