IT for the Medical Industry - Top Current Trends in the Medtech

By AnnaPosted on Tue, November 29, 2022

MedTech - the Future of Healthcare

Technological progress is a driving force for change in almost every industry and business. The MedTech industry emerged thanks to the development and implementation of new medical technologies. This is also the industry where the most promising startups on the market operate. According to Deloitte's Winning in the Future of Medtech report, "the future of healthcare is projected to be driven by a omnipresent, proactive and integrated health and wellness system.Technologies will play a huge role in it e.g. artificial intelligence, quantum computing, cloud storage, augmented and virtual reality, etc.” The health service is becoming more and more inefficient.The growing number of patients and the small number of doctors cause numerous problems.Insufficient time devoted to patients during visits results in pigeonholing them and treating symptoms without looking for the cause of a particular condition. In some European countries, such as France, the waiting time for an appointment with a primary care physician is about a week. Each of these problems creates great opportunities to implement technological solutions that will allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis and cure diseases faster. How can we support this system and make it more effective?

1. Data collection and management

MedTech companies should solve the problems associated with collecting and managing data coming from multiple sources. Today, many countries have a very well-developed private healthcare system. Unfortunately, it is in no way related to the data collected by the national healthcare system. As a result, a patient who, for example, has broken an arm and goes to a private medical care point for treatment where they undergo x-rays. Then if they receive treatment for other conditions elsewhere, they again have to go through the same examination in the new place. There is no system that collects data on the total dose of radiation taken by the patient and whether it is dangerous to his health. The task of technological architecture will not only be to collect data, but also to organize it according to consistent and repeatable criteria. A well-functioning technological platform can be a key success factor, it can determine the speed of introducing of the new solutions to the market, and determine good efficiency. MedTech companies could create such an infrastructure thanks to partnerships with consumer-tech companies that have already built similar systems. Creation of analytical functions and artificial intelligence

2. Creation of analytical functions and artificial intelligence

The collected data will come from multiple sources and therefore it will be disordered. Companies will therefore need tools to analyze and properly understand the information contained in the fragmented data. Artificial intelligence will also enable the automation of many processes that currently require a lot of human work.This will allow faster diagnostics thanks to the effective analysis of large amounts of patient data. In addition, we hope that thanks to AI it will be possible to accelerate the production of drugs and to train the next generations of specialists more effectively.

3. Building remote monitoring techniques

Since the number of doctors on the market is insufficient in relation to the number of patients, it is necessary to invest in solutions that will be helpful in remote monitoring of patients' health.Thanks to this solution, doctors will have better and more frequent contact with the patient.This in turn will translate into more effective out-of-hospital care and help shift the focus to prevention rather than treatment.The creation of systems allowing for faster diagnosis and treatment outside hospital is a beneficial solution for both patients and doctors.

What are the biggest challenges in the MedTech industry?

MedTech Industry

The first obstacle is the lack of financial resources, which is crucial in this growing and difficult industry. The co-operation of the public medical sector with MedTech companies is still insufficient. Lack of financial resources, high responsibility resulting from participation in saving human life and strict procedures related to the requirements for health devices create a high barrier to entry. All this means that in order to meet industry standards, the healthcare industry and MedTech startups require highly qualified employees, including both specialists and engineers. However, finding a person the right competencies can be difficult. Despite the high availability of educated and qualified specialists in Poland, it can still be difficult to verify the candidate's skills and real experience during the remote recruitment process.

How to find the best MedTech Developers?

One of the solutions is to sign a contract with an experienced recruitment agency that has a database of specialists. Thanks to the potential of such agencies, recruitment is faster and more effective. Another solution is to use Staff Augmentation services and leasing experienced developers. Against all appearances, this solution may turn out to be the cheapest and the most advantageous. Qualified companies leasing specialists know the specifics and realities of the market and therefore they can select the best candidates meeting the customers' expectations.

Grow your Medtech business in Poland

If you are looking for MechTech Developers, Poland may turn out to be a very good destination. Polish programmers continue to remain among the world's best specialists. According to the HackerRank, Polish developers came third - just behind the Russians and the Chinese. Polish universities still prepare their students very well to work as software developers. We have great successes among the international competitors - in the International Olympics in Informatics, participants from Poland won a total of 109 medals. In addition, programmers from Poland have great successes in the World Academic Team Programming Championship or Top Coder competition. In addition, it should be remembered that the salaries of programmers in Poland are still competitive compared to other European countries or, for example, the United States. So if you are looking for the best specialists, MedTech Polska may turn out to be a great place.

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